Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


The Political Dimensions of Wage Dynamics
Chapter 3 pp 43-76 in Monroe, K.R., ed.,
The Politics of Economic Change
Agathone Press: New York. 1983


Industrial Conflicts and Economic Conditions - a Comparative Empirical Investigation
European Economic Review 2, 231-56. 1983


The International Element in Economic Fluctuations of 20 OECD-Countries 1948-75
Regional Science & Urban Economics 13, 429-54. 1983


With Karsten Laursen
The Dynamics of the World's Income Distribution 1955-2000
In Economic Essays in Honour of Jørgen H. Gelting
Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift tillægsnummer. 1982


Strejker og Økonomien - en Oversigt
Økonomi & Politik 56, 122-36. 1982


Nogle Internationale og Politiske træk ved Konjunkturudviklingen
i OECD-Området 1948-75 - en oversigt over ti artikler

Printed with (10), (23), (26), (33), (34), (335), (37), (42), (40) and (49)
Doctor Oecon Thesis (like German Habilitation). 1982


With Peder J. Pedersen
The Macroeconomic Strike Model: A Study of Seventeen Countries, 1948-75
Industrial & Labor Relations Review 35, 504-21. 1982


An Essay on the Rationality of Economic Policy - the Test-Case of the Electional Cycle
Public Choice 37, 287-305. 1981


A Review of Assar Lindbeck: Inflation. Global, International and National Aspects
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 83, 470-73. 1981


A Preliminary Survey of the Theories and Findings on Vote and Popularity Functions
European Journal of Political Research 9, 181-199. 1981
Special Issue on: Economic Approaches to Politics. See also (128)