Born in Copenhagen
High School Diploma (Studentereksamen)
Student (of theoretical physics and economics) at Copenhagen University, with jobs as teaching assistant (instruktor), computer programmer, etc.
MA in Economics (cand.Polit.), from Copenhagen University
Staff of Danish Council of Economic Advisers
UN Economic Adviser to NW-State (Sokoto) Nigeria
Economics Institute, Århus University, first as associate professor and then (from 1985) as professor (first research professor then ordinary)
Dr.oecon. - like German "habilitation"
Sabbatical spent at Development Research Department, Labor Markets Division in the IBRD, Washington DC, working on Latin America
Sabbatical spent at CIEPLAN, Santiago, Chile
Honorary professor at Deakin University, Melbourne Australia, 2006-08 International Research Fellow, Kiel institute for World Economy since 2006
Professor emeritus, keeps an office
Publication list with 300 items available. Of these 118 are published in international journals. Another 63 in edited volumes from international publishers. 60 are published in national publications (of which most in Danish). Publications include 5 books (in Danish) and 2 international books, and editing of 5 books, of which 4 are with international publishers.
Presented papers at seminaries/guest lectures at all Danish and ap 50 foreign Universities in ap 20 countries and at ap 150 conferences in 30 countries.
President of the European Public Choice Society 1983/84, co-editor of the Scandinavian Economic Journal 1985/95 and the European Journal of Political Economy 1884/11, plus Referee a dozen other journals in Economics and Political Science.
Chairman of the Economics Department, Aarhus, 1982/84. Over the years in many appointment/Ph.D. committees in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Australia, Netherlands and Belgium.
Occasional consultant at the World Bank, Interamerican Development Bank, DANIDA, CEPAL and the OECD Development Centre.
Has appeared about 30 times in the Danish Radio and TV, and written about 50 articles in newspapers and popular periodicals. Given many talks to broader audiences.
Formerly member of boards of Jyllandsposten, Aarhus University Press, the Danish Polar Institute, Uniconsult, the European Public Choice society, The Russian Society for the Study of Public Policy and the Advisory board of Danida.
Danish citizen, married (since 1969) with cand.mag. Conni (born Madsen in 1945), formerly teaching at Århus Købmandsskole (a Commercial Highschool). Four children: Mads (1972), Astrid (1977), Jens (1979) & Ella (1985).
Many journeys: Throughout Europe, and in Africa, Asia, Australia, North and South America.
Languages: Bilingual in Danish and English, some German and Spanish.