Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


With Peder J. Pedersen
Reply to "Determinants of Strikes - Comment", by Hoyt N. Wheeler
Industrial and Labor Relations Review 37, 263-78. 1984


With Peder J. Pedersen
The Large Pattern of Industrial Conflict - A Comparative Study of 18 Countries 1919-79
International Journal of Social Economics 11, 3-28. 1984


Ved Phillips-kurvens sølvbryllup - hvad ved vi om løndannelsen?
Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift 122, 133-51. 1984


Anmeldelse: Henrik Mørkeberg & Anders Rosdal:
Marked, statslig politik og velfærdsmæssige konsekvenser
Og af: Per Vejrup Hansen:
Lønforskelle, lønpolitik og beskæftigelse i 1970'erne

Arbejdsløshedsundersøgelserne 3 & 4.
Økonomi & Politik 57, 249-52. 1983


En indføring i makro-inflationsteorien - ved Phillips-kurvens 25 års jubilæum
[Notat 83-1, genoptrykt 84]. See also (57)


An Essay on Empirical Method in Economic Research
[Memo 83-2] See also (8) & (123). 1983


With David Grubb & Svend Hylleberg
On The Use of Country Sets of Estimates of the same Equation
Memo 83-3 and Discussion paper, The Centre of Labour Economics, LSE. 1983


With Erik Strøjer Madsen
Exchange Rate Changes in the OECD-Area 1948-71 - a Comparative Time Path Approach
Recherches Economiques de Louvain 49, 25-45. 1983


The Paradox of Strikes
Manuskript. 1982


The Pressures from the Balance of Payments - the Perspective of a Small Country
Memo 1982-1, extra appendix 1983. Partly in (95) & (96)