Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


Development and foreign debt: The stylized facts, 1970-2005
Working Paper 2008-10


Udviklingsbistand: Det pinsomme gab mellem ønsker og resultater
Ræson 2008-1, 92-93. 2008.


Development aid. The embarassing gap between wishes and results
Conference paper also translations to Polish, Italian, Lithuanean. 2008


En historie om adskildte tvillingelande m.v.
Arbejderhistorie. Tidsskrift for historie kultur og politik
April 2008-1, 130-132. 2008


With Erich Gundlach
The transition of corruption
Sorting out the long-run causality

Economic Letters 103, 146-48. 2009


With Erich Gundlach
A farewell to critical junctures
Sorting out the long-run causality of income and democracy

European Journal of Political Economy 25, 340-54. 2009


The political economy of Dutch Disease - a survey
Kap 10, pp 179-96 in Cabrillo, F., Puchades, eds.,
Constitutional Economics and Public Institutions.
Essays in Honour of Jose Casas-Pardo.

Edward Elgar, Cheltenham U.K., May 2013.


with Hristos Doucouliagos
A meta-analysis of development aid allocation:
The effects of income level and population size

Working Paper 2007-15 updated 2009


Den økonomiske udvikling - oplysningstiden i perspektiv
Kap 3, pp 63-71 i O. Høiris og T. Ledet, red.,
Oplysningstidens Verden. Idé, historie, videnskab og kunst
Århus Universitetsforlag, Århus. 2007


with Hristos Doucouliagos
Explaining development aid allocation with growth. A meta study.
Journal of Entrepreneurship & Public Policy 2, 21-41. 2013