Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


With Hristos Doucouliagos
Development aid inertia.
A quantitative study of the data and the literature

Conference paper 2009


With Erich Gundlach
The agricultural and the democratic transitions-
Causality and the Roundup model

Working paper 2009-6


The polity data: An analysis of their properties.
Background paper 2009


Vesteuropas tid på toppen. Den økonomiske udvikling 1860-1910
Pp 371-382 i Høiris, O., Ledet, T., red.,
Modernitetens Verden. Idé, historie, videnskab og kunst
Århus Universitetsforlag, Århus, 2009


With Hristos Doucouliagos
The ineffectiveness of development aid on growth: An update
European Journal of Political Economy 27, 399-404, 2011


With Hristos Doucouliagos
Development Aid and Growth: An association converging to zero
Long version for conference 2009


The welfare state and Baumol's Law
Related to 215. Working Paper 2009-05


With Peter Nannestad
The VP-function. A survey of the literature on
Vote and Popularity functions after 25 years.

Republished in vol 3 of Arzheimer, K., Evans, J.,
Electoral behavior (Surveys of Political Science series) ,
Sage London 2008


With Erich Gundlach
The democratic transition:
Short-run and long-run causality between income and the Gastil Index

European Journal of Development Research 24, 144-68, 2012


With Erich Gundlach
Income and Democracy:
A comment to Acemoglu, Johnson, Robinson and Yared (2008)

Working Paper 2008-13