Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


With Erich Gundlach
The transition of corruption
Causality and two models

Background paper for 245, 2010


With Erich Gundlach
The democratic transition in a generic country
A graphical exposition

Background paper for 245, 2010


The demographic transition
An estimate of the trypical path

Background paper for 245, 2010


With Erich Gundlach
The agricultural transition in a generic country
A graphical exposition

Background paper for 245, 2010


With Andreas Freytag
Searching for the good debt case.
A model and seven case studies

Conference paper, 2009


With Laurent Callot
The problem of natural funnel asymmetries.
A simulation analysis of meta-analysis in macroeconomics

Research Synthesis Methods 2, 84–102, 2011


With Christian Bjørnskov
The spirit of capitalism and socialism.
A cross-country study ideology.

Public Choice 150, 469–98, 2012


With Erich Gundlach
Online Appendix to: Paldam, M., Gundlach, E. (2012).
The religious transition. A long-run perspective


With Erich Gundlach
The religious transition. A long run perspective.
2012 Public Choice 156, 105-123, 2013


With Hristos Doucouliagos
Does development aid reward good behavior.
A meta analysis of the effects of of human rights and democracy

Conference paper 2009