Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


Safe havens in Europe. Switzerland and the ten dwarfs
European Journal of Comparative Economics 10(3), 277-96


The cycle of development in Africa. A story of the power of economic ideas
Pp 487-525 in Christensen, B.J., Kowalczyk, C., eds.,
Globalization: Strategies and effects. Springer, 2017


The cycle of development in Africa. A story of the power of economic ideas
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 147, 427-59, 2011 (December)


Danmarks udvikling i de næste 50 år
Pp 219-63 in Høiris, O., ed., Fremtiden. Aarhus Universitetsforlag


With Andreas Freytag
Background paper to: Comparing good and bad borrowing
Background paper to 247, 2010


With Andreas Freytag
Comparing good and bad borrowing
p.t. conference paper, 2010


A check of Maddison's gdp data.
Benford's Law with some range problems

WP 2010-18. Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University


With Andreas Freytag
Schuldenkrise in Entwicklungsländern: Zeitinkonsistens und Rationalität
Pp 235-58 in Theurl, T., ed. Institutionelle Hintergründe von Krisen.
Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik band 332. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2011


With Erich Gundlach
The agricultural, demographic and democratic transitions
Two estimation models giving reverse results

Replaces 233, six background papers are available 232, 240-244, 2010


With Erich Gundlach
The religious transition and the transition in support for capitalism
Causality and to models

Background paper for 245, 2010