Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


With Peder J. Pedersen
The Macroeconomic Strike Model: A Study of Seventeen Countries, 1948-75
Industrial & Labor Relations Review 35, 504-21. 1982


An Essay on the Rationality of Economic Policy - the Test-Case of the Electional Cycle
Public Choice 37, 287-305. 1981


A Review of Assar Lindbeck: Inflation. Global, International and National Aspects
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 83, 470-73. 1981


A Preliminary Survey of the Theories and Findings on Vote and Popularity Functions
European Journal of Political Research 9, 181-199. 1981
Special Issue on: Economic Approaches to Politics. See also (128)


The International Element in the Phillips Curve
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 8, 216-39. 1980 Special issue.
See review by R. Jackman in Economic Journal, Sept. 1982 pp 723-724 and 33b


The International Element in the Phillips Curve
Pp 88-111 in Matthiessen, L.,Strøm, S., eds.,
Unemployment. Macro and Micro-economic Explanations
Macmillan: London. 1981


Economic Conditions and 145 National Elections
Discussion paper see (56) and (89). 1980


With Friedrich Schneider
The Macro-Economic Aspects of Government and Opposition Popularity
in Denmark 1957-78

Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift 118, 149-70. 1980


Det internationale element i fire små, åbne økonomiers konjunkturudvikling, 1948-75
Discussion paper. 1980


Økonomisk Planlægning i Afrika. {Economic Planning in Africa}
Den Nye Verden 1, 60-96. 1980