Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


The Paradox of Strikes
Manuskript. 1982


The Pressures from the Balance of Payments - the Perspective of a Small Country
Memo 1982-1, extra appendix 1983. Partly in (95) & (96)


With Erik Strøjer Madsen
Bevidste valutakursændringer i OECD-området 1948-75 - årsager og virkninger
Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift 120, 48-65. 1982


And associates
Technical Notes on the Use of Country Sets of Estimates for the same Equation
Memo 1981-4 - partly continued in (55)


The Political Dimensions of Wage Dynamics
Chapter 3 pp 43-76 in Monroe, K.R., ed.,
The Politics of Economic Change
Agathone Press: New York. 1983


Industrial Conflicts and Economic Conditions - a Comparative Empirical Investigation
European Economic Review 2, 231-56. 1983


The International Element in Economic Fluctuations of 20 OECD-Countries 1948-75
Regional Science & Urban Economics 13, 429-54. 1983


With Karsten Laursen
The Dynamics of the World's Income Distribution 1955-2000
In Economic Essays in Honour of Jørgen H. Gelting
Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift tillægsnummer. 1982


Strejker og Økonomien - en Oversigt
Økonomi & Politik 56, 122-36. 1982


Nogle Internationale og Politiske træk ved Konjunkturudviklingen
i OECD-Området 1948-75 - en oversigt over ti artikler

Printed with (10), (23), (26), (33), (34), (335), (37), (42), (40) and (49)
Doctor Oecon Thesis (like German Habilitation). 1982