Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


With Jan Giehm Mikkelsen
Real Wages in 8 Latin American Countries - an interpretation


With Manfred Holler
Overenskomster og Indkomstpolitik. Aspekter af det Danske Spil
Økonomi & Politik 60, 35-52 (1987)


With Svend Hylleberg
Prices and Wages in the OECD Area since 1950 - a study of the quarterly time series.
For ESEM 1987


Is Inflation Step-Wise ? A Note on Inflation in Israel 1970 - 85
Published in Hebrew: translated by Yoav Kislew
The Economic Quarterly 39, 59-63 (1987)


With Luis A. Riveros
El rol causal de los salorios mínimos en seis mercados laborales de América Latina
Estudios IEERAL 11, 53-67 (1987)
Córdova, Argentina, Año XI, No 46, Abril/Junio


With Luis A. Riveros
Salarios Minimos y Salarios Promedio; Analysis de Causalidad,
los Casos de Argentina, Brasil y Chile

Cuaderos de Economica 24, 289-318,
no 73, Diciembre 1987, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile


With Luis A. Riveros
Una nota introductoria sobre tests estadisticos de causalidad
Revista de Economica y Administracion 52. 1987
Universidad de Chile, Diciembro-Enero


With Luis A. Riveros
Minimum Wages and Average Wages, Analysing the Causality. The Cases of Argentina, Brazil
& Chile. And The Causal Role of Minimum Wages in Six Latin American Labor Markets

[Memo 87-11 & DRD Discussion Paper 219]. See (74), (75) & (76)


How Much does one Percent of Growth Change the Unemployment Rate
European Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings 31, 306-13 (1987)
Længere version som Memo 86-4


With Steen Lau Jørgensen
The Real Exchange Rates of Eight Latin American Countries 1946-1985 - an interpretation
Geld und Währung/Monetary Affairs 3, 5-27 (1987)