Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


A Wage Structure Theory of Inflation, Industrial Conflict and Trade Unions
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 91, 63-81 (1989)
See also (83) and (84)


A Review of Douglas A. Hibbs Jr.:
The Political Economy of Industrial Democracy

European Journal of Political Economy 4, 439-45 (1989)


With Peder J. Pedersen
Wages and Industrial Conflicts: The OECD-Countries, 1919-83
Manuskript 1988


Matematik på Økonomi. Redegørelse for undersøgelse af
matematikbehovet på økonomistudiet

Manuskrift til foredrag holdt d 23/9 1988, trykt i Ø


With Michael Christensen, Flemming Nielsen og Torben Poulsen
Extra Tables for Two Papers Lucas Variability Hypothesis and Rational Expectations
[Background Paper for (86) and (87) in Memo 1987-34]


Den Økonomiske Faktor i Regeringens Popularitet
Økonomi & Politik 60, ##-## (1987)


A Review of Peter Gregory: The Myth of Market Failure.
Employment and the Labor Market in Mexico

Journal of development Economics 28, 154-56 (1988)


With Michael Poulsen
The Two-Group Case Using Logistic Functions for the Reaction Curves
(A background paper to (90)) [Notat 87-2]


With Hans E. Zeuthen
The Expansion of the Public Sector in Denmark - a Post Festum?
Chapter 8 pp 157-186 in Lybeck, J., Henrekson, M., eds.,
The Expansion of the Public Sectors in the West.
North-Holland: Amsterdam (1988)


The Three Miracle Cures: Argentina, Israel and Brazil
[Memo 87-20] see 129