Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


With Viggo Høst
An International Element in the Vote ?
A comparative study of 17 OECD countries 1946-85

European Journal of Political Research 18, 221-39 (1990)


With Michael Christensen
Shooting Fish in the Barrel?
Examining the standard tests of the Lucas Variability Hypothesis

Applied Economics 23, 1811-18 (1990)


With Michael Christensen
Some Further International Evidence on Output-Inflation Tradeoffs
- the Lucas Hypothesis Reexamined
Weltwirtschaftliche Archiv 126, 222-238 (1990)


Wage Rises and The Balance of Payments, an Empirical Study of Reaction Lags
[Memo 1989-14]


Den reale danske valutakurs. Overfor DMk, FMk, NKr,
SKr, FF, UK£, US$ og Yen 1950-1987

Memo 1988-5. Appendix I og II som selvstændigt hefte.


With Nils Karl Sørensen redaktion og indledning til:
Valutakursteori og -politik.
Økonomisk Instituts Skriftserie no 31 (1989)


Lønstigninger og betalingsbalance.
Økonomisk Instituts Årbog 1988 (1989)


Comments to Michael Bruno: Theoretical Developments in
the Light of Macroeconomic Policy and Empirical Research

Scandinavian Journal of Economics 91, 339-45 (1989)


An Essay on the Power of National Banks
Geld und Währung / Monetary Affairs 4, 5-30 (1988)


An Essay on the Power of National and International Central Banks
Conference paper. Large overlapping to (96) (1988)