Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


With Peter Nannestad
Inflation in Denmark, May 1990. What does People Know and Expect? A Premature Note
Working Paper #6 (used later) from the project: Economic Foundations of Mass Politics,
Expectations, Information and Political Reactions (1990)


With Peter Nannestad
When the Crib is Empty: Worries and Values in Times of Economic Crisis
Working Paper #5 from the project: Economic Foundations of Mass Politics,
Expectations, Information and Political Reactions (1990)


With Peter Nannestad
Economic Grievances and Government Support in a Small Welfare state:
Micro Theory and the Danish Case

Working Paper #3 (used later) from the project: Economic Foundations of Mass Politics,
Expectations, Information and Political Reactions (1990)


With Peter Nannestad
Knowledge about the Economy at the Mass Level. A Study of Danish Data 1990
Memo 1991-11. Working Paper #2 (used later) from our project: Economic Foundations
of Mass Politics, Expectations, Information and Political Reaction (1991)


With Peter Nannestad
The Economic Basis of Distrust
Working Paper #1 (used later) from our project: Economic Foundations of Mass Politics,
Expectations, Information and Political Reactions (1990)


Korruption og Udviklingsøkonomi
Økonomi & Politik 63, 3-20 (1990)


Review of J.D. Dresdner: The Structuralist Theory of Inflation and Structural Inflation
in Chile, 1950-1972: The Lagging Food Hypothesis Revisited

Ibero Americana/Nordic Journal of Latin American Studies XX, 55-69 (1990)


The Socio-Political Reactions to Balance-of-Payments Adjustments in LDCs
A Pilot Study: The Case of Chile 1982

CIEPLAN, Santiago, Chile. 1990


Macroeconomic stabilization policy: Does politics matter?
Chapter 4 pp 63-91 in Hillman, A.L., ed.,
Markets and Politicians. Politicized Economic Choice
Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, Boston and London (1991)


Comments to Blanchflower & Oswald: The Wage Curve
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 92, 237-42 (1990)