Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


Comment to Joerg Stephan: Political Exchange Rate Cycles
Pp 803-11 in H-J Vosgerau, H.-J., ed.,
European Integration in the World Economy
Springer-Verlag: Berlin (1992)


Review of Peter Nedergård: EF's markeds integration
Politica 23, ##-## (1991)


With Svend Hylleberg editor and Introduction to:
New Approaches to Empirical Research in Macroeconomics
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 93 no 2 (1991)
Special Issue


With Svend Hylleberg editor and Introduction to:
New Approaches to Empirical Research in Macroeconomics
Blackwell: Oxford (1991)


Politics Matters After All (1).
Testing of Alesina's Theory of Partisan Cycles on data from 17 countries

Chapter 14 pp 369-98 in Thygesen, N., Velupillai, K., Zambelli, S., eds.,
Business Cycles: Theories, Evidence and Analysis
IEA Conference Volume no 97
Macmillan: London and New York University Press: New York (1991)


How Robust is the Vote Function?
A Study of Seventeen Countries over Four Decades

Chapter 1 pp 9-31 in Norpoth, H., Lewis-Beck M.S., Lafay, J.-D., eds.,
Economics and Politics: The Calculus of Support
University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor (1991)


El desarrollo de un próspero Estado benefactor en Dinamarca
Cpt 4 p 83-114 in Blomström, M., Meller, P., eds:
Trayectorias Divergentes. Comparación de un Siglo
de Desarrollo Economico Latinoamerico y Escandinavo

CIEPLAN-Hachette (for the IDB): Santiago, Chile (1990)


The Development of the Rich Welfare State of Denmark
Cpt 4 pp 67-98 in Blomström, M., Meller, P., eds.,
Diverging Paths. A Century of Scandinavian and Latin American Development
Johns Hopkin University Press (for the IDB): Washington D.C. (1991)


With Peter Nannestad
Skattelettelser eller offentlig service:
hvor meget støtter danskerne velfærdsstaten?

Økonomi & Politik 63, 25-40 (1990)


Med Peter Nannestad
Is there a Relative Price Effect from Fiscal Policy? Some Danish Micro-Level Evidence
Working Paper #7 (used later) from the project:
Economic Foundations of Mass Politics, Expectations, Information and Political Reactions. (1990)