Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


More of a Branch or More of a Sect?
Public Choice 77, 177-84 (1993)
The 25th year anniversary issue


More of a Branch or More of a Sect?
Pp 177-84 in Schneider, F., Rowley, C.K., Tollison, R.D., eds.,
Public choice: the next 25 years
Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, Boston and London (1993)


Towards Anarchy in Macroeconomics. A Wild Review Essay
European Journal of Political Economy 9, 447-66 (1993)


Hacia la anarquía en macroecoconomía
Apuntes CIEPLAN 114, junio (1993)


With Peter Nannestad
The Demand for the Public Sector in the Rich Welfare State of Denmark
Chapter 11 pp 289-328 in Breton, A., Galeotti, G., Salmon, P., Wintrobe, R., eds.,
Preferences and Democracy: Villa Colombella Papers
Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, Boston and London (1993)


With Peter Nannestad
Sammenhængen mellem samfundsøkonomi, privatøkonomi og tilslutningen til
regeringspartierne i Danmark 1990-91 - og nogle problemer i forbindelse med
at måle den korrekt

Politica 25, 189-206 (1993)


Om internationale gældsbyrder - specielt den færøske
Samfundsøkonomen 1993-3, 11-18 (1993)


With Peter Nannestad
Denmark. Land of Social Consensus?
Paper for: Comparative Analysis of the Development Models of Small European
and Latin American Countries since 1950. Montevideo (1992)


An Essay on the Political Economy of Fishing
Revideret udgave indgået i (131) (1992)


Med/mod P.O. Pedersen
Discussion af Korruption og Udviklingsøkonomi
Økonomi & Politik 65, ##-## (1992)