Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


A review of Norman Gemmell (ed) The growth of the Public Sector
Theories and International Evidence. Edward Elgar 1993

The World Economy 18, 166-167 (1995)


With Peter Skott
A rational-voter explanation of the cost of ruling
Public Choice 83, 159-172 (1995)


The Socio-Political Reactions to Balance-of-Payments Adjustments in LDCs
A Comparative Study of Ten Latin American Cases

Chapter 7 pp 77-86 in Haggard, S., Lafay, J.-D., Morrison, C., eds.,
The Political Feasibility of Adjustment in Developing Countries
OECD: Paris (1995)


Grønlands økonomiske udvikling.
Hvad skal der til for at lukke gabet?

Aarhus Universitetsforlag: Århus (1994 genoptrykt 1995)


Aningaasarsiornikkut inerriartorneq.
Oversættelse til grønlandsk af (138),
Økonomidirektoratet, Nuuk (1995)


La situación económico de Costa Rica. El marco macroeconómico.
(Translation of English Original). Cpt XII pp219 238 in Germán Rama (ed.)
A la busquerda del siglo XXI: Nuevos caminos de desarollo en Costa Rica DC,
Noviembre de 1994. Informe de la Misión Piloto del Programa Reforma Social
del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Washington (1994)


The Political Economy of Stopping High Inflation
European Journal of Political Economy 10, 135-68 (1994)
Special issue in honour Peter Bernholtz


With Peter Nannestad
The VP-Function. A Survey of the Literature on
Vote and Popularity Functions after 25 Years

Public Choice 79, 213-45 (1994)


With Peter Nannestad
Velfærdsstat, Mistillid og Styrbarhed
Økonomi & Politik 67, 14-35 (1994)


With Peter Nannestad
A Review of Douglas A. Hibbs, Solidarity or Egoism?
Aarhus University Press, 1993.

Scandinavian Political Studies 17, 83-88 (1994)