Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


The Micro Efficiency of Danish Development Aid
Working Paper no 1997-13 (1997)


Dansk U-landshælp. Altruismens Politiske Økonomi
Aarhus Universitetsforlag: Århus (1997)


Hvordan kan Grønlands økonomi liberaliseres?
Tillægsnummer til Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift
festskrift for Anders Ølgård, pp 293-302 (1996)


Købe venner, købe frænder
Kapitel 12 pp 201-219 i Bukh, P.N., Skott, P., red.,
Markeder i Opbrud
Aarhus Universitetsforlag: Århus (1996)


With Peter Nannestad
The Grievance Asymmetry Revisited.
A micro study of economic voting in Denmark, 1986-92

European Journal of Political Economy 13, 81-99 (1997)


Rent Seeking and Dutch Disease. An Essay on Greenland
European Journal of Political Economy 13, 591-614 (1996).
See also (139) & (140)


With Peter Nannestad
It's the Governments Fault!
A Cross-Section Study of Economic Voting in Denmark, 1990-93

European Journal of Political Research 28, 33-65 (1996)


Can The Economy of Greenland develop?
In 14th Proceedings of the OMAE (Copenhagen)
vol IV: Arctic/Polar Technologies,
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, NY. (1995)
See also (139) & (141)


Kan Grønlands økonomi udvikles?
Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 133, 29-51 (1995)


Jørgen H. Gelting
Økonomisk Instituts Årbog, 1993 (1994)