Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


På vej mod en almindelig blandingsøkonomi?
Politica 32, 33-44 (2000)
Specialnr om Økonomisk Bæredygtighed og politisk kultur i Grønland


Den politiske økonomi for EUs integration.
Et forsøg på at generalisere de danske erfaringer

Pp 39-62 in Quigstad, J.F., Skånlund, H., red.,
ØMU og Pengepolitikken i Norden
Særutgave av Penger og Kreditt, Norges Banks Skriftserie/
Occasional Papers, nr 26. Oslo (1998)


A small country in Europe's integration.
Generalizing the political economy of the Danish case

Chapter 9 pp 195-217 in Eusepi, G., Schneider, F., eds.,
Changing Institutions in the European Union: A Public Choice Perspective
Edward Elgar: Cheltenham (UK) and Northhampton (US) (2004)


Does Economic Growth lead to Political Stability?
Chapter 9: Pp 171-190 in Borner, S., Paldam, M., eds
The Political Dimensions of Growth
IEA Conference Volume 119
Macmillan: London and St Martins Press: New York (1998)


With Silvio Borner, eds:
The Political Dimensions of Growth
IEA Conference Volume 119
Macmillan: London and St Martins Press: New York (1998)


An Essay on the Macroeconomics of Social Development in Latin America
Chapter 5 pp 480-504 in Part IV of Emmerij L., ed.,
Economic and Social Development into the 21st Century
Johns Hopkins University Press (for the IDB): Baltimore (1997)


Un ensayo sobre los aspectos macroeconómicos del desarrollo social en América Latina
Chapter 5 pp 531-59 in Emmerij L., Núñez del Arco, J., eds.,
El desarollo económico y social en los umbrales del siglo XXI
IDB: Washington DC. (1998)


With Peter Nannestad
From the Pocketbook of the Welfare Man.
A Pooled Cross-Section Study of Economic Voting in Denmark, 1986-92

British Journal of Political Science 27, 119-136 (1997)


With Peter Nannestad:
Douglas A. Hibbs, Jr, On Ad Hominen Assertions and Scientific Discourse in
the Study of Sociotropic and Egocentric Motivations of Political Attitudes and Behavior:
A Rejoinder

The Scandinavian Journal of Polical Science 20, 113-14 (1997)


Political Business Cycles
Chapter 16 pp 342-79 in Mueller D.C., ed.,
Perspectives on Public Choice. A Handbook
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge (1997)