Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


With Peter Nannestad
Into Pandora's Box: What is Exogenous in VP-Models?
A Study of the Danish macro VP-Function 1986-1997

Electoral Studies 19, 123-140 (2000)


With Peter Nannestad
What do the voters know about the economy?
A study of Danish data, 1990-1993

Electoral Studies 19: 363-392 (2000)
Also as WP núm 172 (1999) ICPS,
Institut de Ciències Politiques i Socials, Barcelona


With Henrik Christoffersen
En analyse af kommunale indkøbspriser
Bilag 2 pp 60-88 i Finansministeriet:
Indkøb og konkurrence på de kommunale serviceområder
Finansministeriet: Kbh (2000)


With Gert Tinggaard Svendsen
An Essay on Social Capital.
Looking for the fire behind the smoke

European Journal of Political Economy 16, 339-66 (2000)


With Gert Tinggaard Svendsen
Is Social Capital an Effective Smoke Condencer?
An Essay on a Concept Linking the Social Sciences

World Bank Social Initiative Working Paper No 11
See 157b


Strukturtilpasninger i øst og syd
Kapitel 11 pp 317-47 i Hjort-Andersen, C., red.,
Udviklingslinier i økonomisk teori
DJØFs Forlag. Marts 2000


The political economy of small countries
Conference paper for the Microstates' 99 conference
in Torshavn, Faeroe Islands


Hvad har vi lært de sidste 50 år, som vi vil tage med os de næste 25 år?
Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift jubilæums udgave, 1999


Soft Criteria in Danish Development Aid.
An Essay on Post Materialist Values in Practice

Working Paper No 1998-4


With Henrik Christoffersen
Markets and Municipalities.
A Study of the Behavior of the Danish Municipalities

Public Choice 114, 79-102 (2003)