Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


Corruption and Religion.
Adding to the economic model

Kyklos 54, 383-414 (2001)


Ester Boserup 18 maj 1910 - 24 september 1999
Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 138, 163-66 (2000)


Stable growth with slow and expensine adjustment.
An essay on the old OECD countries using Denmark as an example

Chapter 2 pp 25-48 in Lundahl, M., Wyzan, M. L., eds.
The Political Economy of Reform Failure
Routledge (Studies in Deveopment Economics): London and New York (2005)


Social Capital: One or Many?
Definition and Measurement

Journal of Economic Surveys 14, 629-53 (2000).
Special Issue on Political Economy


Social Capital: One or Many?
Definition and Measurement

Chapter 5 pp 117-41 in Sayer, S., eds.,
Issues in New political Economy.
Basil Blackwell: Oxford, UK (2001)


With Mark Levin
Khaos Vletset Rastjvet Korruptsii
{Chaos causes corruption to bloom}

Tsistie Ruki {Clean Hands} 4, 2000: 38-47


The big pattern of corruption.
Economics, culture and the seesaw dynamics

European Journal of Political Economy 18, 215-40 (2002)


With Henrik Christoffersen & Allan Würtz
Public versus private production.
A study of the cost of school cleaning in Denmark

Public Choice 130, 311-28 (2007)


With Peter Nannestad
The Cost of Ruling. A Foundation Stone for Two Theories
Chapter 2 pp 17-44 in Dorussen, H., Palmer, H.D., Michael Taylor, M., eds.,
Economic Voting
Routledge (ECPR Studies in European Political Science nr 27): London and New York (2002)


With Michael S. Lewis-Beck,
Economic Voting: Introduction and editing of special issue
Economics and Elections
Electoral Studies 19, 113-122 (2000)