Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


Are vote and popularity functions economically correct?
Pp 49-59 in Schneider, F., Rowley, C., eds.,
Encyclopedia of Public Choice. Vol I.
Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, Boston and London (2003)


With Gert Tinggaard Svendsen
How social capital may be used in economics
Chapter 11 pp 231-253 in Flap, H., Völkers, B., eds.,
Creation and Returns of Social capital.
Routledge (Advances in Sociology): London and New York (2003)
Related to (158)


Udviklingen i Rusland, Polen og Baltikum.
Lys forude efter ændringen af det økonomiske system

Aarhus Universitetsforlag: Århus (2002)


Med Henrik Christoffersen
Kommuner og konkurrence.
Del E kap c i Nordstrand, R., Groes, N., red.
Kommunestyrets Fremtid.
AKFs Forlag Kbh (2001)


Samarbejdsmønstre og opgavefordeling.
Del G kap b i Nordstrand, R., Groes, N., red.
Kommunestyrets Fremtid.
AKFs Forlag Kbh (2001)


Social Capital and Sustainability
In Kochendorfer-Lucius, G., Pleskovic, B., eds.
Dynamic Development in a Sustainable World.
Villa Borsig Workshop Series. Development Policy Forum of the German Foundation
for International Development (DSE) and the World Bank as well as the Federal
Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) (2001)


With Lene Hjøllund and Gert Tinggaard Svendsen
Social Capital in Russia and Denmark: A comparative study
Conference paper, IMAD, Slovenia (2001)


The Economic Freedom of Asian Tigers.
An essay on controversy

European Journal of Political Economy 19, 453-77 (2003)


With Peter Nannestad and Michael Rosholm
System change and economic voting.
A study of immigrants and natives in Israel

Electoral studies 22, 485-501 (2003)


With Gert Tinggaard Svendsen
Missing social capital and the transition in Eastern Europea
Journal for Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition
(IB Review)
5, 21-34 (2001 published 2002)