Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


Editing to and introduction to the 2003
European Public Choice Society plenary lectures:
The Nordic welfare stat - success under stress

European Journal of Political Economy 20, 739-742. 2004


With Vani K. Borooah
Why is the World Short of Democracy?
A Cross-Country Analysis of Barriers to Representative Government

European Journal of Political Economy 23, 582-604. 2007


The big pattern of democracy.
A study of the Gastil Index.

Chapter 5 pp 105-129 in Marciano, A., Josselin, J.-M., eds,
Democracy, Freedom and Coercion: A Law and Economics Approach
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (US). 2007


Rusland som et almindeligt mellemindkomstland
Nordisk Østforum 18, 289-307. 2004


Rusland: Endelig fri af åget?
Vindue mod Øst 2-2004, 3-6. 2004


With Sheetal K. Chand
Immigration policy and the Nordic welfare states
Conference paper. 2005


Folly in economics
a review of Peter Bernholz: Monetary Regimes and Inflation

Central Banking Quarterly XIV (2), 87-89. 2003


Comment to Hatton T.J., Williamson, J.G.,
Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Policy in Europe

Pp 285-291 in Foders, F., Langhammer, R.J., eds.,
Labor Mobility and the World Economy.
Springer: Berlin and Heidelberg. 2006


With Sheetal K. Chand
Some economics of immigration from an LDC to a DC.
Stressing the case of a Nordic Welfare State

Chapter 6 pp 145-173 in Foders, F., Langhammer, R.J., eds.,
Labor Mobility and the World Economy.
Springer: Berlin and Heidelberg. 2006


With Sheetal K. Chand
The economics of immigration into a welfare state and a comparison to
an immigration state and a guest worker state

See 194 and 197. Working paper. 2005