Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


Hjælper udviklingshjælpen?
udenrigs 4-2005, 62-75. 2006


With Peter Sandholt Jensen
The pattern of democracy in the 20th century.
A study of the Polity Index

Chapter 15 pp 255-276 in Casas J., Schwartz, P., eds,
Public Choice and the Challenges of Democracy.
Edward Elgar: Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (US). 2007


With Tue Gørgens and Allan Würtz
Growth, income and regulation: A non-linear approach
Working paper, replaces 186. 2006


With Tryggvi Thor Herbertsson
Does development aid help poor countries catch up?
An analysis of the basic relations.

Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 145, 188-214. 2007


With Pia Wichmann Christensen and Hristos Doucouliagos
Master list of the AAL: The Aid Allocation Literature
Bibliographical documentation. 2007 updated 2009


With Pia Wichmann Christensen and Hristos Doucouliagos
Master list of the AEL: The Aid Effectiveness Literature
Bibliographical documentation. 2007 updated 2009


With Hristos Doucouliagos
The aid effectiveness literature.
The sad results of 40 years of research

Journal of Economic Surveys 23, 433-61. 2009


With Hristos Doucouliagos
Aid effectiveness on acummulation. A meta study
Kyklos 59, 227-54. 2006


With Hristos Doucouliagos
Aid effectiveness on Growth. A meta study
European Journal of Political Economy 24, 1-24. 2008


With Hristos Doucouliagos
Conditional aid effectiveness. A meta study
Journal of International Development 22, 391-410. 2010