Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


The macro perspective on generalized trust
Short version of 218b
Chapter 21, 354-78 in Svendsen, G.T., Svendsen, G.H.L., eds.,
Handbook of Social Capital. The Troika of Sociology, Political Science and Economics.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham U.K., 2009


Generalized trust. The macro perspective
Chapter 12 p 331-57 in Sacconi, L., Antoni, G.D., eds.,
Social Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, Economic Behavior and Performance.
Palgrave Macmillan 2011 (out December 2010)
Version of 218a with all calculations


The political economy of a Betting Monopoly.
Illustrated with the Danish case

Chap. 7, 180-208 in Viren, M., ed.,
Gaming in New Market Environment
Palgrave, Macmillan 2008


An essay on the Muslim Gap.
Religiosity and the political system

Chapter 10, 213-42 in Ferrero, M., Wintrobe, R., eds.,
The Political Economy of Theocracy.
Palgrave Macmillan 2009


Hjælp til Afrika. Hvad vil man opnå?
Økonomi & Politik 80, 2-20. 2007


With Erich Gundlach.
Two Views on Institutions and Development:
The Grand Transition vs the Primacy of Institutions.

Kyklos 61, 65-100. 2008


Grænserne mellem de offentlige og private sektor
- vil kommunalreformen rykke dem?

Samfundsøkonomen december 2006, 16-19. 2007


Introduction to symposium:
Immigration and the welfare state

European Journal of Political Economy 23, 448-452. 2007


Med C.S. Paldam, R.V. Andresen and C. Paldam
- litteratur, billedkunst, historie, økonomi

Systime: Århus. 2006


Mønstret i demokratiets udbredelse i verden
Økonomi & Politik 79, 33-50. 2006