Growth papers:

(see 177, 172, 167, 156 and 147 on publications list)

Growth, income and regulation: A non-linear approach
With Tue Gørgens, Research School of Social Science, ANU, Canberra
& Allan Würtz, Department of Economics, Aarhus

The cycle of development in Africa
A story about the power of economic ideas
First version in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 147, 427-59, 2011
Updated version pp 497-525 Christensen, B.J., Kowalczyk, C., eds.,
Globalization: strategies and effects. Springer, 2017

The political economy of strikes
Zimmermann, K.F., ed., Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics
Springer, Online first January 2022

Trade and finance papers:

The Political economy of Dutch Disease - A survey
Chapter 10 in Cabrillo, F., Puchades, eds., Constitutional Economics and Public Institutions.
Essays in Honour of Jose Casas-Pardo.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham U.K. 2013

Safe havens in Europe. Switzerland and the ten dwarfs
European Journal of Comparative Economics 10(3), 277-96, 2013

Background paper to: Safe havens in Europe. Switzerland and the ten dwarfs
Documents data and report extra calculations

Debt papers:

Partly joint work with Andreas Freytag, Schiller University, Jena

Development and Foreign Debt: The Stylized Facts, 1970-2005
First version of working paper 2008

Appendix with documentation

Searching for the good debt case. A model and seven case studies
With Andreas Freytag, conference paper, 2010.

Schuldenkrisen in Entwicklungsländern: Zeitinkonsistens und Rationalität
Pp 235-58 in Theurl, T., ed. Institutionelle Hintergründe von Krisen.
Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik band 332. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin. 2011
With Andreas Freytag

Comparing good and bad borrowing
With Andreas Freytag, conference paper, 2010